This number is indicative of the risk of the product, with 1/6 indicating low risk and 6/6 high risk.
Unicaja Banco, S.A. is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions created by Royal Decree-Law 16/2011, of 14 October, covering a maximum amount of €100,000 (or, in the case of deposits not denominated in euros, the equivalent in the relevant currency) per depositor and credit institution.
Risk score related to the account.
Choose what you want to bring from your other account, like income, periodic transfers, direct debits, etc. We can even close your other account and bring your balance to Unicaja.
Take into account that we need at least 13 business days to complete all the steps.
It is essential that all the account holders sign the request.
We offer you the possibility of bringing your account at another institution to your Unicaja account through the Account Transfer Service.
We will get in touch with the other institution to carry out all the formalities you choose, such as:
Changing directly debited bills and payments (electricity, telephone, etc.) involves a lot of paperwork and formalities that are always burdensome. Thanks to the Unicaja Account Transfer Service, you can process your change of accounts without leaving your Digital Banking Service. It takes just five minutes without any paperwork.
As from that moment, we well submit the change of account order on your behalf to all the bill issuers you request (water, electricity, telephony, schools, etc.). Moreover, we will keep you informed about the status of the request throughout the entire process and whether it is necessary for you to help us out in order to process the change of any of your direct debits.
It's that simple!
Yes, you can. Unicaja will request your other bank to provide it with information about your periodic transfers in order to initiate them from your account (if you so wish).
We can also request the issuers of recurrent payments into your account —like, for instance, your salary— to change the account.
Some of the bill issuers may not allow us to make the change for you. In which case you'll have to inform the issuing entity to change your debit account.
In so far as salary payments are concerned, it is possible that you might have to get in touch with your company's human resources department to request the change of credit account. Similarly, if the income is a non-contributory pension from Social Security or other agency, get in touch with them directly. In the case of unemployment benefits, you can change the account directly through the SEPE (Public State Employment Service).
Nonetheless, we will accompany you throughout the entire process, providing you with the forms you need so you can submit them to the bill or payment issuer.
If you so wish, we can additionally order your other bank to close your account of origin and send the resulting balance to new account on the date you tell us. All of this is done fully online, so you don't waste any of your time.
If you close the account at your other bank, please bear in mind that the other bank may ask you to return the cards, cheques and passbooks associated to said account.
Yes, it can. If you have products linked to the account (like loans, mortgages, investment funds, etc.), your other bank might reject the transfer request. Cancel all the products before making the transfer.
In order to ensure the transfer goes well, also remember that the Unicaja account must have the same holders as the account in the previous bank.
The request form must be signed by all of the old account's holders. In addition, the new Unicaja account must have the same holders. If they do not coincide, the institution of origin will reject the transfer request.
Fill in the request form
Fill in the account transfer form and we'll take care of the rest.
Download it and read it to find out about all the details of making each transfer.
Find your branch
If you prefer to make the change face to face, we will also be more than pleased to help you out.
(*) Devolución de hasta 15 euros brutos mensuales, con el límite del importe de los recibos domiciliados, durante 12 meses (siendo de 12,15€ la bonificación neta) por los recibos domiciliados, a nombre del titular de la cuenta, con un límite máximo de 180 euros brutos al año (siendo de 145,8€ la bonificación neta). A estos efectos, será necesario que el cliente no tuviera recibos domiciliados en la Entidad en los doce meses anteriores a la firma del documento de adhesión. Se computan solo los recibos de agua, electricidad, gas y telecomunicación.
Dispones de 3 meses desde la adhesión para cumplir con los requisitos de la promoción. El abono en cuenta del cliente por la domiciliación de recibos está sujeto a tributación y tiene la calificación fiscal de rendimientos de capital mobiliario obtenidos por la cesión a terceros de capitales propios, en virtud del artículo 25.2 de la Ley 35/2006 del IRPF. En virtud de los artículos 74.1 y 75.1 del Reglamento del IRPF estos rendimientos se encuentran sujetos a retención a cuenta, al tipo de retención vigente.
Consulta bases y requisitos de la promoción aquí.
Unicaja Banco, S.A. Avda. Andalucía 10-12, 29007 Málaga. C.I.F. A93139053.
Can we help you?
Also at 952 076 263 or through the contact form.
Our telephone service hours are Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (except national holidays).