1 / 6

This number indicates the risk of the product, 1/6 indicates low risk and 6/6 high risk.

Unicaja Banco, S.A. is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions created by Royal Decree-Law 16/2011, of 14 October, covering a maximum amount of €100,000 (or, in the case of deposits not denominated in euros, its equivalent in the relevant currency) per depositor and per credit institution.

Risk score related to the account.

Young Person's Account

If you're between 18 and 27 years old, this is the account for you. An account which allows you to think about the future, while living in the present.

  • No maintenance or principal service fees if requirements are met1

  • Free young Contactless Debit Card

  • Endless privileges

  • Mobile banking service

Basic Payment Account

A basic account for common operations. Free Basic Payment Account in a special situation of vulnerability or risk of financial exclusion.

  • Account for natural persons, for private use2

  • The holder may not have another account3

Transfer your salary payments

Direct deposit your paycheck at Unicaja and benefit from all the advantages offered by this service.

  • Exclusive advantages

  • Better bonuses

Free Plan

Benefit from ZERO fees on the most common services if the Plan's terms and conditions are met.

Piggy Bank Savings Accoun⁴

Save without any worries or fees and use your money whenever you need it5.

  • Choose the method which best suits you, set up your piggy bank and automatically save the amount you want little by little.

  • No maintenance or administration fees.

  • Fully online subscription6

Unicaja is also

This allows you to generate the IBAN, the international bank account number, of a bank account.

Your branch, online. Consult and carry out all your banking operations without worrying about opening hours or queues.

Your Unicaja accounts and products always at hand. Anytime, anywhere.

Can we help you?

Also at 952 076 263 or through the contact form.

Our telephone service hours are Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (except national holidays).

We also put other contact methods at your disposal: