
Free of charge

Your Banks With You is the Unicaja financial aggregator that is totally free of charge for all its customers.


Add products at your other banks and financial cards

Accounts, cards, deposits, pension plans and more at your other banks and institutions, without the need of setting up direct debits.


Query and transfer money on your Unicaja app

Everything on the same site so you can query and transfer money on your app just as if you were using the apps of your other banks or financial institutions.



You have control over your own data. Nobody else has access to your login data.

Your finances on Unicaja

When you are customer of several banks and cards, checking all your balances and movements can be a slow and cumbersome experience. Would you like to have all this information and be able to query and transfer money on the same site?

This is possible with Your Banks With You. Find out how easy and convenient it is to have access to all your banks and institutions without having to exit your Unicaja app on this video.

What banks and cards I can add to the financial aggregator?

Starting to use the financial aggregator is as easy as this


Go to the financial aggregator

Log in to your Digital Banking service and press "Start" in the Your Banks With You information area on your home page. You can also do so from your Accounts or Cards by pressing "Add".


Search for the bank or card you wish to add

Select the products that you have at your other bank and wish to add, including: accounts, cards, deposits, pension plans and more.


Enter your password securely

It is a secure environment guaranteed by Unicaja, so only you have control over your passwords and data. Unicaja will synchronise and update your banks and cards.

App Banca Digital de Unicaja

Download our Digital Banking app

Download the app to enable Your Banks With You and find out about everything the Unicaja Digital Banking service has to offer you.

App Store
Google Play

Frequently asked questions about the Unicaja financial aggregator

What is a financial aggregator?

A financial aggregator is a tool which allows you to have access to your financial products at your other banks and other financial institutions on the same site, namely our Digital Banking service.

Is my financial aggregator secure?

The Unicaja financial aggregator is secure. The information displayed of your other banks on the Digital Banking service complies with the security standards set forth by the new European PSD2 Directive.

What institutions I can add to my financial aggregator?

You can add any financial institutions which have joined the financial aggregation service. Query the list of institutions you can add to our Digital Banking service.

What products can I query on the financial aggregator?

On the current version of our financial aggregator, you can query details of the movements of your different products, including: accounts, credit cards, funds, loans, pension plans and securities.

What kind of transactions can I make on the financial aggregator?

Aside from querying information on your other banks, you can also make wire transfers from accounts at your banks which have been added without exiting the Unicaja Digital Banking service.

How much does it cost me to make a wire transfer on the financial aggregator?

The party that makes the transfer is the institution which has been added. The costs are therefore those that the customer has agreed on with said institution. Unicaja only acts as a point of access.

Why do I have to disclose my login passwords to other banks?

Your Banks With You, the Unicaja financial aggregator, will only ask you for the login passwords to display details of movements at your other banks. Thanks to the secure environment guaranteed by Unicaja reinforced by the European PSD2 Directive, the passwords will remain as yours alone. Unicaja will not have your transaction codes, nor will it be able to operate or change your accounts, cards or banking products.

What happens if I change the login password to my other banks?

If you change the login password to any of your other institutions, you will also have to enter it on our financial aggregator. Once the password has been entered, the application will save your settings for the next time you use it. 

How do I deregister from the service?

You just have to delete the institutions you have added to deregister from the service.

Can we help you?

Also at 952 076 263 or through the contact form.

Our telephone service hours are Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (except national holidays).

We also put other contact methods at your disposal:
